Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries each year. Putting the right safety measures in place, and educating your employees, can reduce your risk. Here are six free resources to help set your business – and your team – on solid footing.
1. Floor Safety: Reduce Slip, Trip, and Fall Risks in Your Business
Many fall risks are hidden right at the front door of a business. From flipped rugs to cracked sidewalks, high-traffic areas can result in some of the most severe injuries. Discover tips for a safer and hazard-free workplace with internationally recognized safety authority and educator Russel Kendzior in this episode of the WorkSAFE Podcast.
2. Prevent Slips and Trips Poster
It can be tempting to step around a spill or patch of grease, especially if you don’t have time to clean it. Floors are often wet in restrooms or kitchen areas – but how often do we scan ahead for slippery surfaces? Tack this poster up in common areas to remind employees of important safety measures, such as wearing the right footwear and watching for hazards.
3. Winter Slips and Trips Tool Box Talk
Winter doesn’t just bring holiday cheer to workplaces every year – it also brings the risk of slips and trips. Ice and snow can leave parking lots slippery, tile floors wet and render entry rugs soggy and ineffective. Use this Tool Box Talk to teach employees how to plan ahead, maintain safe walkways and dress for winter weather.
4. Slip Prevention Tool Box Talk
Did you know that ice and water aren’t the only elements that cause slips? Dirt, gravel and grease are also culprits when it comes to walkway hazards. Share this Tool Box Talk with employees to prevent disabling injuries with these easy-to-follow safety tips.
5. Preventing Falls Down Stairs Tool Box Talk
Anyone who uses stairs is at risk of falling. It’s important to keep them clean, dry and well-lit for both customers and employees. Use this Tool Box Talk to remind employees of key staircase safety tips, such as using handrails and keeping them clear of boxes and trash.
6. Zoo Safety: Preventing Slips at the Saint Louis Zoo
Zoos are home to our favorite animals – and a variety of slick surfaces, rocky textures and wet walkways. Whether it’s for customers, critters or care teams, the Saint Louis Zoo makes preventing slips a priority. Take down some tips from Safety Coordinator Domini Montgomery in this episode of the WorkSAFE Podcast.